d | L | D | K | C | Code | ||||||
3,2 | 10 | 6 | 0,8 | 1,8 | 554321003 | 1000 | 3,4 | 2,4 ÷ 6,4 | 101 (1000 N) |
86 (850 N) |
4 | 11 | 6,5 | 0,9 | 2,1 | 554401103 | 500 | 4,2 | 2,8 ÷ 7,9 | 168 (1650 N) |
122 (1200 N) |
4,8 | 11 | 8,5 | 1,1 | 2,9 | 554481103 | 500 | 5,1 | 3,2 ÷ 7,9 | 239 (2350 N) |
158 (1550 N) |
17 | 554481703 | 500 | 6,4 ÷ 12,7 | ||||||||
Directive references: There is no reference specification.
Thanks to its particular way of deforming, themultifar rivet can be fastened on various grip ranges and one rivet length only can be used to replace several standard rivets of different lengths. Moreover, it is able to compensate for ovalized and/or oversized holes.
This type of rivet can be used also with soft or fragile materials, such as plastic, aluminium and composite materials, without damaging them during the fastening.
BUSH: AlMg 2,5 (EN AW 5052)
NAIL: Steel
NAIL: White zinc plated with Cr IIIResistance values may be subject to changes
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